Blom Studios | About Us
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Kylen Blom Profile Pic

Kylen Blom

Founder, CEO, Paycheck Writer

Kylen is the vision behind the scenes. He inspires the team and empowers everyone to do their job effectively.

Blake Johnson profile pic

Blake Johnson

Lead Designer and Lead DJ

Blake is extremely talented. He collects vinyl records, drinks craft beer, and likes to camp out at coffee shops on his days off, so you know he's a great designer.

Kaleb’s Profile pci

Kaleb Beelen

Web Developer and Reddit Lurker

Kaleb makes the vision into reality. He's the one doing all the boring stuff behind the websites to make them look beautiful and function properly. His favorite part of the job is pizza friday.

Trevan Profile Photo

Trevan Thompson

Project Manager and Motivational Speaker

Trevan is the latest addition to the Blom Studios team. He is here to oversee the details and keep everyone and everything organized. He also brought in donuts on his first day, so we like Trevan.


We help people build brands.

From web-design to t-shirt printing to photography,

we cultivate businesses and ideas.

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